Call for Special Sessions

Special Session Proposals

Special Sessions are part of the conference main program. They are dedicated to both established and emerging aspects of the ALife agenda. Special sessions provide an excellent opportunity for researchers in the ALife community to shape parts of the conference programme by curating the session content, attracting high-quality submissions, and selecting session chairs. It enables researchers to gather around specific themes and inquiries, facilitating a deeper exploration of certain questions.

Contributions to special sessions undergo the same peer review process as other submissions to the conference and will be included in the conference proceedings. There is no limit on the number of time slots allocated to a special session. Their duration will instead be determined by the number of allocated contributions. Special sessions that do not attract a sufficient number of contributions will not take place.

Submission Process

Every special session proposal should include:

  • title of the special session
  • name(s) and affiliation(s) of the organiser(s) with contact details and a short CV of the organiser(s)
  • description of your session theme, including why your session theme deserves special attention from the ALife community (about 250 words)
  • what you propose to do to support the session, such as advertising it or in terms of organisation (about 150 words)
  • a list of 3-5 senior reviewers suggestions relevant for your session

All proposals must be sent by the 15th of January, 2024 22nd of January, 2024 (extension) via this form

If you have any questions, please contact us at
Make sure your e-mail subject is Special Sessions.

Call for Special Sessions